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Presentación de fan 2 Yaoi

Je suis une super fan de Yaoi, et sur cette page je vous partage les meilleurs DA et Tumblr de Yaoi que j'ai trouvé ! Peace & Yaoiiiii ♪ ヾ(*⌒∇⌒)八(⌒∇⌒*)ツ !!! Attention je ne suis pas la dessinatrice, je ne fais que partager !

3 Siguiendo

6 Seguidores

3 Amigos


Comentarios: 5
Posts en el Foro:
Nivel: 1, Siguiente nivel en 34 xp
Nível: Noob
Experiencia: 16
Puntos de Traductor: 4



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  • Plata: más de 50 amigos
  • Oro: más de 500 amigos

Blog de fan 2 Yaoi


Last month’s Monthly Duo over at Patreon!

Pledge me on Patreon to qualify for receiving my first ever erotic web-comic chapter for Storms of Arum, a bunch of pin-ups, smut art, request/instructional streams and more!


Iron Bull & Cullen Rutherford from Dragon Age: Inquisition

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MAxwell NSFW doodles. I needed some stressout drawings

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Black Monkey ProBacchikoi Expansion Pack

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Fernando Torres & Tim Kruger from Timtales

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I was in a state of perpetual ‘Hngh’ doing this sketch that I didn’t feel my drawing hand crying in pain ‘til I was nearly finished.

Anyway, the sketches will be on hold a bit (just a day or two) as I have to attend some social events this weekend. Will reopen the speed slot and contact the next in the queue slots then. Sleep for now. ^^

Tadashi Hamada from Big Hero 6

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Sousuke/Makoto - Free!

I’m really struggling because I saw the first part of this comic and I was trying to u der stand what was wrong with sousuke’s face because he looks terrified and idk he just looks so scared and now I know why

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With permission from the original artist, I colored these two drawings. Was a lot of fun and good practice. ^^

Original Sketches:

1 2

De yummy-yaoi - Post original



Jason hittin’ some random with that neck! From last month’s Monthly animation on Patreon!

Up this month is Jerk n’ Cumshot animation featuring my character, Cayden! Pledge me by July 1st for access tho that animation, and check out this link for information about other June rewards!

De yummy-yaoi - Post original

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